Real Estate Blog

The price of used housing rises in November by 1.2%: this has changed in your area

The price of used housing has registered an increase of 1.2% during the month of November, standing at 1,761 euros/m2, according to the latest index of apartment prices. If we look at the November 2018 data, the year-on-year increase is 4.6%. In Madrid, prices increased by 1.3% year-on-year in the penultimate month of the year, while in Barcelona they fell again by 1.6%. Autonomous Communities The price has been reduced by 6 ranges. Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura ...

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Treasury Warns of the risk of creating a society to buy real estate and pay less taxes

In recent years the creation of interposed companies has increased, those aimed at the exercise of a professional activity or simply to buy with them real estate or other assets that are then used by the partner. This is the case of Màxim Huerta, former Minister of Culture, or Pedro Duque, Minister of Science. But those operations are going to start to be more monitored by the Tax Agency that recently published an information note about its risks. This Information Note is not ...

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The price of housing goes up 4.1 per cent in February, according to Tinsa

The average price of finished housing (new and used) in Spain registered an interannual increase of 4.1 per cent in February, according to the TOC Tinsa IMIE, indicating that this increase is 2.7 percentage points less than the interannual variation registered in January. Large cities and metropolitan areas staged largely the annual increase in prices in February, with increases of 7.2% and 4%, respectively, while in the rest of the country the appreciation is much more discree...

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Latest news from the Canary Island real estate market.

The Canary Islands are suffering from a remarkable lack of properties for rent, which is causing an increase in new buildings and inviting many investors to buy a house in the Canary Islands, record numbers of trades over the Spanish national average. The National Institute of statistics (INE) has published a survey whose data confirm this trend in the real estate market in the archipelago. Sold 6,373 properties only in the first quarter of 2018, an increase of 20% compared to 201...

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El precio de la vivienda usada ha registrado un ascenso del 1,2% durante el mes de noviembre, situándose en 1.761 euros/m2, según el último &iacut...
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